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Specialist doctor geriatrics/family medicine with interest in geriatrics

Länssjukhuset i Kalmar

Are you looking for a place to live away from hectic big cities and you prefer idyllic country life in Sweden? Are you a specialist doctor within geriatrics or a specialist doctor within family medicine with an interest in geriatrics? Look here for your next job opportunity!   Kalmar can offer you beautiful surroundings with country sceneries and cities close to the harbour that brings together the best of both worlds.

We offer

A position as a specialist doctor at the geriatric clinic in Kalmar. Our medical team is characterized by committed and competent employees. We have a good collaboration with other clinics, other hospitals in the region, primary care and Linnaeus University. The clinic has its own emergency line with emergency services at home.

We are looking for

A specialist in geriatrics or another related specialty such as family medicine. Your personal characteristics and interest in and experience of geriatrics are of great importance. You must be able to work independently under the supervision of a geriatric specialist, have good communication skills, be flexible and realize the importance of collaborating with other team members. As a doctor at the clinic, you are expected to be able to serve in both outpatient and inpatient care as well as participate in the emergency line. You who are not yet a specialist in geriatrics or a related specialty but have been a ST doctor/ resident doctor for a few years are also welcome to apply with the possibility of becoming a specialist in geriatrics.

Our workplace

The geriatric clinic handles patients in inpatient care, at the reception and as consultants in the emergency department and the emergency department. For inpatient care, priority is given to the frailest elderly in need of inpatient care. A large percentage of these are cognitively impaired. Most of the patients are admitted via the emergency department or emergency care department after primary assessment by another specialist.

The clinic has two geriatric departments with 14 beds each. At the Memory Clinic, supplementary investigations of suspected dementia are carried out. Basic dementia investigations are carried out in primary care according to the regional care programme.

Our geriatric consultation team (GeRt) is located in the emergency department. GeRt assesses geriatric patients in the emergency department (AVA) and in the emergency department. Please read the article in care focus about GeRt. The clinic also has a palliative care unit where you can be involved on call. During office hours, it is staffed by specialists in palliative medicine.

About Kalmar County Hospital

Kalmar County Hospital lies in the south of County Kalmar and nicely overlooking the Baltic Sea, which means you are working and living in beautiful nature surroundings. The Hospital has all kinds of specialities and it’s a teaching hospital for both medicine and nurse students. With only the Ölands Bridge away you’ll find the popular island Öland with many beaches and idyllic places to visit. Reed more about moving to Kalmar County here.

Q & A

How do I get a doctor´s license in Sweden?

To obtain a Swedish doctor´s license, your education is assessed so that it is comparable to the Swedish requirements for doctors. In addition, it is required that you have the right language skills in Swedish, Danish, or Norwegian. You apply for your license via The National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) Application for a license in health care - Legitimation (socialstyrelsen.se)

How can I learn Swedish?

We recommend that you start learning Swedish before moving to Sweden.

When you come to Kalmar we will offer you a Swedish course from B2-level to C1-level. If you are an EU/EES citizen, you might be eligible for support via EURES. Read more here EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme - Arbetsförmedlingen (arbetsformedlingen.se)

How do I look for housing?

Region Kalmar County can help you with housing, either through our housing guarantee or give you tips on where and how to look for housing.

Is it easy to travel to the rest of Europe?

Kalmar airport connects you to Bromma airport in Stockholm and Frankfurt airport, from where you can travel all around the world. One hour away you will find Småland Airport in Växjö that offers several destinations around Europe. If you prefer to take the train you can travel to other cities in Sweden as well as Copenhagen and Copenhagen Airport.

Vi är en del av Länssjukhuset i Kalmar, där 2300 personer arbetar för att erbjuda god vård och hög patientsäkerhet till länets invånare. Våra medarbetares ständiga utvecklingsarbete gör att vi når goda resultat i flera olika nationella mätningar. Sjukhuset har moderna lokaler och ligger nära Kalmar centrum och Kalmarsund. Länssjukhuset i Kalmar är ett av Sveriges 20 länssjukhus och Region Kalmar läns största arbetsplats. Sjukhuset är tillräckligt stort för att ha de flesta specialiteter representerade samtidigt som det är tillräckligt litet för en bra och personlig kontakt över klinikgränserna. Tack vare engagerade och kunniga medarbetare har vi under lång tid visat upp goda nationella resultat – detta är vi stolta över! Vår arbetsmiljö kännetecknas av arbetsglädje, delaktighet, öppenhet och trygghet.
Vi är 7000 medarbetare i Region Kalmar län som ansvarar för hälso- och sjukvård, tandvård, folkhögskolor, kultur, kollektivtrafik och regional utveckling. Tillsammans arbetar vi för ett friskare, tryggare och rikare liv för länets invånare. Välkommen att bli en av oss!

Läs mer om att arbeta i Region Kalmar län

Region Kalmar län erbjuder alla medarbetare en anställning på 100%. Om du arbetar deltid men önskar arbeta heltid kan utökning av tjänst erbjudas vid annan arbetsplats.

Vi vill att du bifogar CV och personligt brev till din ansökan.

För att kvalitetssäkra rekryteringsprocessen i Region Kalmar län vill vi att du söker tjänsten i vårt rekryteringssystem och inte via e-post eller i pappersformat.

Vi tar gärna emot samtal från dig som är intresserad av jobbet men tackar nej till dig som säljer annonser och rekryteringstjänster.

Om tjänsten




Länssjukhuset i Kalmar






Heltid 100 %


Efter överenskommelse


Vi tillämpar individuell lönesättning

Ansök senast:

Upplysning om tjänsten

Anna Lindquist, Verksamhetschef



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